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Tech giant, Cisco, stated that by 2021, a million minutes of video content would be consumed every second; as huge as the number is, it isn’t alarming. With the rise of social media platforms, video content on the web has grown exponentially.

As a growing number of consumers turn to social media platforms for personalized content and connections, video marketing has become an integral part of any successful social media strategy. Here are three reasons why:

1) Videos have a higher engagement rate than other forms of content, which allows companies to better connect with their audience and drive sales.

2) Videos offer a visual and auditory experience that is often more appealing and memorable to consumers.

3) Social media algorithms prioritize video content, meaning companies that utilize video can easily increase their reach and visibility on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

In short, incorporating video into your social media marketing efforts can bring numerous benefits for your brand. Don’t let your company get left behind – start creating compelling videos today.

Consumers’ desire to post and consume personalized content that’s tailored to their interests has driven companies to leverage video marketing to enhance reach and push sales.

Unless your company gets on board with the video marketing train, there’s a very good chance that it will fall behind the competition.

It’s What Consumers Want

Videos have a higher engagement rate than other forms of content, which allows companies to better connect with their audience and drive sales. Social media platforms armed consumers with the power to post content and share it with the world. Before social media came into the mix, only large media companies could generate and share content.

Social media networks allow users to consume the kind of content they want to watch as opposed to content that’s pushed on them by companies—and this is why brands must invest in video marketing.

According to industry reports, in 2021, people will watch 100 minutes of online videos every day. So if you’re not producing video content, you’re missing out!


Videos Offer Higher ROI

Videos offer a visual and auditory experience that is often more appealing and memorable to consumers. Most businesses have social media pages, but just having a social media presence isn’t enough.

Unfortunately, companies still haven’t figured out how to effectively use social media to spread awareness and generate leads, which makes many believe that social media marketing isn’t worth it.

Video marketing has created its own space in the world of social media. Since consumers like watching videos, brands that produce video content usually witness a greater ROI.

According to studies discussed on Hubspot, 90% of users stated that product videos are useful, and 64% of viewers are more likely to purchase a product after watching a video related to it.

The Popularity of Expiring Videos

Social media algorithms prioritize video content, meaning companies that utilize video can easily increase their reach and visibility on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Snapchat was the first to create expiring videos and then other platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp, followed.

In 2017, Snapchat boasted an average of 10 billion views every day; 4 out of 10 users have stated that they’ve used the platform to find brands through Snapchat celebrity endorsements.

The platform allows brands to post videos quickly and conveniently without investing heavily in production. Companies and celebrities often use expiring videos to provide behind-the-scene footage with their users to enhance engagement and build brand loyalty.

If you want to learn how video marketing can benefit your brand, get in touch with Mediaforce.

Mediaforce was listed as one of New York’s leading digital marketing agencies. We offer comprehensive digital solutions, including web design, SEO, Youtube ads and PPC services.

We service clients across New York, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Toronto. Call 613-729-0500 for more information.

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